Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dag… I wanted to work for a news company when I grew up =(

So every knows that companies have had to layoff and fire a lot of people, especially in the last couple of years or so; but I recently came across an article on (Colombia Journalism Review) that reported that near 400 people who worked ABC News throughout the different divisions would be losing their jobs, either through voluntary buyouts or layoffs. The news of this happening is coming less then a month after CBS announced that they would be releasing workers from their news division. President of ABC news David Westin says that these jobs losses are due to ABC News’s attempt to undergo a, “fundamental transformation.” So, in other words, there is a recession going on in America right now so News companies have to lay off some people in order to save money. This is just more proof that it is becoming even harder to get and keep a decent job in journalism. I personally hope that journalism can make a turn around and once again be a highly successful profession. If not, I better start looking for other things to do when I grow up.

Even though the president claims that the news station is going through a, “fundamental transformation” nothing much is really going to be done toward changing the news station. According to the article, “network news still draws millions more viewers than any of the cable news programs.” But yet, they laid off many of their journalists who worked on their staff.

I believe that the news media today is on a decline. More and more people are turning to other ways to receive their news, such as their computers and cell phones. The news stations understand that, so it makes it easier for them to lay off people. The demand for journalists for news companies is unfortunately slowly decreasing. But if you look throughout history, this was only to be expected. Media has changed tremendously over the past couple of years, especially in the news industry. Newspapers are becoming a thing of the past and televised news may follow in its footsteps.

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